Test 5 Results

On the test, as usual, I gave plus and minus grades (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc) which translate into a 100 point scale in my gradebook (100, 96, 92, 88, 85, 82, etc., down to 55 for F). The high score in the class was 57 out of a possible 59 (I ditched one question as too poorly worded to have a right answer), not counting extra credit: I used 55 as the top again, for simplicity, and the same slightly extended scale for grades. The median score was B+, meaning that about as many people got above a B+ or above as a B or below; the average score was B. The extra credit was worth up to 5 points: Half of the people who attempted extra credit went up one grade level, and most of the rest were not close enough to the next grade to get a benefit. Here’s how the grade scale worked out:

Grade minimum points distribution
A+ 55
A 51 40%
A- 47.5
B+ 45
B 42.5 25%
B- 40
C+ 37.5
C 35 20%
C- 32.5
D+ 30
D 27.5 10%
D- 25
F Below 25 5%

In related news, I’m going to be making a slight adjustment to the test and document assignment grades, in order to de-emphasize your lowest grade on each assignment.

If you want to pick up your test before the Final, I’ll be in my office Monday 10-12:30 and about 2-4. Tuesday I’ll be in 1-3.

Good luck on the Final!