Extra Credit Opportunities

Two interesting events just came in by email, both literary. First, the grown-up one:

Everyone is invited to attend the Fifteenth Annual Victor J. Emmett, Jr., Memorial Lecture on Thursday, October 30, at 8:00 p.m., in the Balkans Room of the Overman Student Center.
Dr. Larry McClain, Associate Professor of English at Nebraska Wesleyan University, will talk on “Fighting in the Closet:  ‘Fight Club’ and the Language of Same Sex Desire.”  The lecture will deal with Chuck Palahnuik’s 1996 novel, “Fight Club,” which was the basis of the controversial film by the same title, starring Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter, and directed by David Fincher.
The lecture is free and open to the public.  A brief award ceremony and reception in the Heritage Room will follow the lecture.
The Emmett Memorial Award and Lecture are sponsored by the Emmett family, The Midwest Quarterly, and the English Department of Pittsburg State.  The award is given in memory of the late Dr. Victor J. Emmett, Jr., who, before his death in 1990, was for twenty-three years a Professor of English at Pittsburg State, where he served at various times as Chairperson of the English Department, Acting Dean of Graduate Studies, and Editor-in-Chief of The Midwest Quarterly.
If you have questions, please contact the English Department, x4689.
Then, the one that appeals to the child in all of us:
History Alive presents: “L. Frank Baum: Royal Historian of Oz”, Thursday, October 30th, 7PM, Crimson & Gold Balloroom, Overman Student Center
The Kansas Humanities Council, a non profit agency which sponsors lectures and performances throughout the state of Kansas designed to enhance the understanding of the state’s history, culture and intellectual life, has very graciously consented to assist the Tilford Group and the Friends of the Leonard H. Axe Library in presenting the “History Alive” program */L. Frank Baum, Royal Historian of Oz. /*History Alive productions choose an actor/lecturer to actually portray a famous person from history. Baum was the famous author of The Wizard of Oz and other fantasies for children. Fred Krebs, our L. Frank Baum for the evening, has long experience in portraying historical personalities for the Kansas Humanities Council both at their annual Great Plains Chautauqua as well as in individual lectures and performances. In addition to Baum, he portrays Stephen A. Douglas, William Allen White and Benjamin Franklin. He also does lectures. * *At present, Fred is a professor of history at Johnson County Community College. He has a Master of Arts in history from the University of Missouri in Kansas City. The performance will take place at 7PM in the Crimson and Gold Ballroom of the Overman Student Center. Refreshments will be served. Contact: Jane Victor, 235-4886, victor@pittstate.edu, or Dr. Mark Johnson, 235-4628, mjohnson@pittstate.edu.