Extra Credit Opportunities: Poetry and Lectures

From Axe Library:

On October 1st, 2009, the Friends of Axe Library are very proud to present a reading by three poets who grew up on Osage St. in Girard, KS.  Their book, entitled Three from Osage Street, is a collaboration which resulted from their chance meeting at Girard High School’s 50th anniversary reunion for the class of ’56.  There, Thomas Lisenbee, Kay Z. Myers  and Brett Waller  found out that they all shared second careers as poets, and they also shared a favorite subject: growing up in Girard, KS.  So, if you want to hear poems about tadpoles, skinny dipping, the best bread in the world, fishing trips with Dad, a town that could have been a stunt double for Pleasantville and campin’ out, then join us on Thursday, October 1st at 7 PM in the Special Collections Department of Axe Library.  Refreshments will be served.  Contact Jane Victor (235-4886; victor@pittstate.edu ) or Bob Walter (235-4886; bwalter@pittstate.edu) for further information.

On October 8th, 2009 at 7PM , the Friends of Axe Library will be very proud to present the 12th annual Gene DeGruson Memorial Lecture,  Cowboy Heaven… Carson Robison and His Influence on Modern Country and Western Music. The lecture will take place in the Special Collections Department of Axe Library.  Refreshments will be served.  Our lecturer will be John Kendrick, a recent graduate of PSU (May, 2009) with a Master of Arts in Communication and an expert on the life and career of Carson Robison (1890-1957).  Robison, a native of Southeast Kansas was a talented singer, songwriter (more than 280 titles), disc jockey,  and guitarist  as well as master of other talents too numerous to mention. He was an influence on such entertainers as Gene Autrey, Gene Austin and Will Rogers and  one of the pioneers in developing modern county music as we know it.  Our performer is Alva McNeely, Board Member of the Marmaton Chapter, Kansas Old Time Fiddlers and Pickers and a talented musician on the guitar, fiddle and mandolin.  Contact Jane Victor (235-4886; victor@pittstate.edu ) or Bob Walter (235-4886; bwalter@pittstate.edu) for further information.

As always, you earn extra credit by attending the event and write a short summary-reaction paper for me.