Test #4 Report

The most popular answer, by a wide margin, on the extra credit was the French Revolution. Nobody picked the English Revolution. The best answer, I think, was the Seven Years’ War, but only one person pointed out that both the French and American Revolutions came out of it. Anyway, anyone who made an attempt got credit.

The top terms, with more than 2/3rds of you taking a stab at them, were: French Revolution, American Revolution, Seven Years’ War and, oddly, Romanticism. The least popular terms included overseas Chinese, Qianlong, Robert Clive and Edmund Burke, but the real loser was Leibniz — only two people even tried.

The high score (before extra credit) this time was 27.5, but I rounded down to 27, so the grade scale remains unchanged from last time. So does the distribution, more or less. The median was again on the B/B- borderline.

Grade Minimum Distribution
A+ 27
A 25.3 22%
A- 24.3
B+ 22.3
B 19.6 36%
B- 17.6
C+ 15.6
C 12.9 30%
C- 10.9
D+ 8.9
D 6.2 12%
D- 4.2
F 0