Test #8 Results

The high score was 28; actually, the highest scores were 29 and 27.5, but 28 is easier for the math. The median was right on the B/B+ border, and a substantial majority of people who took the test improved their overall test grade for the semester. The top three terms were from Chapter 29 — Cold War, genocide and Holocaust — as was the bottom term, European Union. The most popular term from chapter 30 was renewable energy, which tied chapter 29’s Great Depression for fourth place.

Grade Minimum Distribution
A+ 28
A 26.5 20%
A- 25
B+ 23
B 20 60%
B- 18
C+ 16
C 13 20%
C- 11
D+ 19
D 6
D- 4
F 0

Though a lot of people did choose the Holocaust and genocide, I was not terribly happy with the overall results: there was almost nobody who connected either term to the history of nationalism or racial thinking which we talked about fairly extensively; and the textbook seems to have confused some people on the distinction between genocide — the attempt to eliminate a particular people, of which the Holocaust is one example (and often the only one people cited) — and other atrocities.

Make-up Tests and Timeline

Two quick reminders

  1. Anyone who has arranged to do a make-up test and has not yet done it: they must be done this week, no later than Friday the 12th.
  2. Everyone: the revised Timeline due with the Long Essay should be 12 to 30 items, same as for the original draft timeline. The form is still entirely up to you.

Test #7 Results

The high score before extra credit was 30; actually, there was about a three or four-way tie at 30. Einstein and Hitler tied for the most popular terms; big bang theory and atomic bombs tied for second. Pragmatism and primitivism tied for last, completely unanswered by anyone. It seemed like there was a cultural divide at work: some people went heavy on political/military terms, while some went mostly for cultural/scientific terms.

Grade Minimum Distribution
A+ 30
A 28 30%
A- 27
B+ 25
B 21.5 40%
B- 19.5
C+ 17.5
C 14 30%
C- 12
D+ 10
D 6.5
D- 4.5
F 0

Final Exam Available

The Final Exam is now available. (thanks for the corrections!) As noted, you have the choice of doing either the take-home or in-class version, but you will have to declare which one you will do the last week of class. Read over the assignments carefully, so that we can address questions as soon as you come back from Thanksgiving Break. Feel free to post questions here, or email me, as well.

Study Terms for Chapters 29 and 30

Chapter 29
Cold War
command economies
Cultural Revolution
European Union
Great Depression
Josef Stalin
Mao Zedong
Marshall Plan
Martin Luther King
Chapter 30
“Eastern Wisdom”
genetically modified organisms
green revolution
greenhouse effect
Liberation theology
public health
renewable energy
Walt Disney

Test Six Report

The high grade before extra credit was actually 30.5, but that was a bit of an outlier, so I left the high score at 30 for the purposes of everyone’s grade. The top picks were machine guns, Opium Wars, Social Darwinism and anti-semitism; the most neglected terms were Secularism, Chulalongkorn and Maori Wars.  The most popular answer to the extra credit question about 19 century politics was “intensifying nationalism”; the least popular was “racially tinged imperialism.”

Grade Minimum Distribution
A+ 30
A 28 15%
A- 27
B+ 25
B 21.5 50%
B- 19.5
C+ 17.5
C 14 30%
C- 12
D+ 10
D 6.5 5%
D- 4.5
F 0

Covering the 20th century

The lectures over the next few weeks won’t match up with the textbook quite as closely as usual. The 20th century can be looked at in a lot of different ways: though I like what Fernandez-Armesto is trying to do with the last four chapters, I think that a more chronologically focused presentation might be helpful. So here’s what’s going to happen over the next few weeks:

Topics readings
11/14 (F) Science and uncertainty. Chapter 27: The Twentieth-Century Mind: Western Science And The World(from ch. 28) Soldier’s Accounts of Battle and François Carlotti, from “World War I: A Frenchman’s Recollections” and British Soldiers on the Battle of the Somme
11/17 (M) Politics of crisis and war: totalitarianisms and nationalisms Chapter 28: World Order And Disorder: Global Politics In The Twentieth CenturyBenito Mussolini, from “The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism”
11/19 (W) Technology of war: WWI and WWII
Technologies of WWI and WWII
11/21 (F) Test 7 (Instructor Absent)
11/24 (M) Long Essay Part One: Timeline
11/26 (W) Thanksgiving Break
11/28 (F) Thanksgiving Break
12/1 (M) Cold War and internationalism Chapter 29: The Pursuit Of Utopia: Civil Society In The Twentieth CenturyCold War Chronology

UN “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” 1948

12/3 (W) Technology and ecology Chapter 30: The Embattled Biosphere: The Twentieth-Century Environment
12/5 (F) Long Essay Part Two: Thesis, Outline
12/8 (M) Social and cultural change
Sayyid Qutb, from Milestones, 1964
12/10 (W) Test 8
12/12 (F) Long Essay Due
Catch-up/ReviewLast day of instruction

Study Terms for Chapters 27 and 28

Bonus: A good example of the importance of checking your sources online for reliability.

Chapter 27

Albert Einstein
Albert Schweizer
big bang theory
cultural relativism
Edwin Hubble
Ernest Rutherford
Jean-Paul Sartre
Kurt Gödel
Margaret Mead
Martin Heidegger
Noam Chomsky
quantum mechanics
Sigmund Freud
Werner Heisenberg
William James

Chapter 28

Adolf Hitler
atomic bombs
Benito Mussolini
First World War
Gamal Abdel Nasser
human rights
John Maynard Keynes
Josef Stalin
League of Nations
Manchurian incident
Mohandas Gandhi
Pearl Harbor
Second World War
Soviet Union
trench warfare
Versailles Treaty
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Woodrow Wilson

Test #5 Results

The high grade was actually 31, but that was a bit of an outlier, so I set the high score at 30 for the purposes of everyone’s grade. The top picks were fossil fuels, urbanization, railroads and canned foods; the least popular choices were Haiti, Paternalism and Samuel Smiles.

Grade Minimum Distribution
A+ 30
A 28.5 20%
A- 27
B+ 24.5
B 22 45%
B- 19.5
C+ 17
C 14.5 35%
C- 12
D+ 9.5
D 7 0%
D- 4.5
F 0